Plan a head and be prepared
February 1, 2020

Plan Ahead and be Prepared. How to Go About Writing and Managing Your Will

We are all passionate about leading very exciting, busy and adventurous lives. However, there always comes a time where we start asking ourselves the following questions:

How secure am I?
How secure is my future?
Am I prepared in case anything happens to me?
Will my family be supported when I pass away?

This is why it is very important to start considering better preparing yourself and planning ahead with writing and managing your will, should any problems or misfortunes arise.

Planning ahead will ensure that you are secure and all of your assets are managed effectively, that should anything happen to you, you know that your family and other loved ones will be looked after and supported.

At P&B lawyers, we look after many cases concerning wills and estates, and we take pride in knowing that we are assisting every client with setting up their futures and assuring them that they and their families are well-prepared in the future.

When going about consulting with a legal expert about writing and attaining a will there are many things you need to consider and organise when beginning the will writing process. By assessing these considerations you can rest assured that you will be better prepared and find comfort in knowing that your future is secure.

Here are some considerations to make when writing a will:

Determine your assets: Working through your savings and other assets and knowing how you will go about including and distributing them throughout your will, will better prepare you in writing up the will.

Beneficiaries: Determining who will be included in your will in terms of family and loved ones is a very important consideration to make as your assets will be distributed to whoever you choose to list in your will, if and when you pass.

Division of your estate: You must consider how you will divide your estate between your beneficiaries. Will it be equal shares or would you like to divide in a different way?

Titles: Ensuring that you have all the correct paperwork available, ready and on-hand when consulting with a legal expert, like titles and certificates of estate are very important as the process of discovering missing titles is a lengthy and costly process.

Specific burial wishes: If you do choose to incorporate any specific burial wishes in your will, you need to determine what they are and let your appointed lawyer know when writing your will.

Foreign properties: If you do have any foreign properties it is important to consider making a foreign will with your lawyer that is able to be acknowledged and accepted in the country in which your foreign estate is. This will prevent any problems with appointing beneficiaries to your foreign estate when you pass.

Our team of legal experts at P&B lawyers are well-versed with appropriate will management and execution and can walk you through all of the relevant information and considerations necessary to make when writing a will.

Our team of legal experts at P&B lawyers are well-versed with appropriate will management and execution and can walk you through all of the relevant information and considerations necessary to make when writing a will.